Meet The Gamers

Founded By Geoffrey_Gamer and co-owned with Criminal Justice, Meet the Gamers was created near the beginning of the Pandemic in 2020.  It was a show idea to bring four gamers together on a weekly basis to just chat and hang out.  It wasn’t until 6 months later that Meet the Gamers’ reasoning was changed to bring different guests on the show! That’s when MTG picked up Gaming With Cookies as a third host.  With life getting busy and picking up an IRL job, Cookies decided to step aside and bring on HashTagHell as the third host.  Cooks will ALWAYS have a seat at the table! It is a one of a kind show that has kept on growing over the years and continues to do so!


The Original founder and creator of Meet the Gamers, Geoffrey got the inspiration for the show from personal Zoom meetings he attended!

Criminal Justice

Brought on as one of the very first Hosts to join Geoffrey_Gamer, Criminal Justice took co-ownership of Meet the Gamers with open arms and was truly an asset to the show!


HashTagHell was one of MTG’s first guest host filling in when a Host was out.  Well, Hash is now an OFFICIAL show starter to Meet the Gamers!! 

Our Mission Here on

Meet The Gamers

Starting off as a small show created by Geoffrey_Gamer, who at the time, was just starting his YouTube journey, it has grown to be a show many love to watch.  The idea of the show NOW is to host guests from every aspect of the Digital Gaming World.  Folks from YouTube, Twitch, Facebook Gaming or any other platform, we want to help them grow while having a good time doing it!  We have hopes that one day this will be a show enjoyed by many World-Wide!


Our Amazing Staff

Simply put, Meet the Gamers would NOT be what it is today without the amazing staff that runs and plans it on a weekly basis.  From reaching out to the guests, booking, planning, socials, prep work in the dressing rooms, making sure everything is signed off and keeping the security side of things running smooth, this team does it all!  They are the true Superstars!



Sneaky has been the Production Manager of Meet the Gamers since the start.  Being responsible for getting some of our biggest guests, Sneaky is an absolute Legend!



Every show MUST have people to make sure the chats in the Discord and Stream chats are free of foul play. Gamertron and his crew, Manuel Krazy, TheWisconsinFox and Bleached Gravity are always up to the task!



Every Production Manager needs assistance.  Angel and CROSSY are just the guys to fill those shoes!  Joining the team far after the show has started, they have proven time and time again that the show is NOT possible without them!



What’s a show without the proper advertising? Well, HashTagHell makes sure to share the upcoming shows and banners on all the platforms! He gets the word out STAT!

Meet the gamers

Featured Episodes

From gamers just starting out, to some of the BIGGEST names out there, Meet The Gamers has hosted them all.  We love to help the little guys get on the map while also rubbing elbows with Royalty like Benzo, AntonZ, DjGoHam, Doug1637 and even King Crane!!  Click the thumbnails below to check out the featured episodes!

If you meet the criteria and would love to be on the show, click the “MTG Logo” and join the Discord. We have an amazing team ready to help get you started!


With DjGoHam Gaming!

DjGoHam is the Farming Simulator Guru.  With his love for Gaming and the life of the party, he was an absolute blast to have on the show!  So much so, he was on Twice! Making the Hosts and audience laugh was something easy to DjGoHam in this episode.


With GMAntonZ!

GMAntonZ has got to be one of the most hyped guests the show has ever had!  Being a mod God in GTA V, Anton was awesome to have as a guest, two times!  And this episode had a surprise visit by none other than King Crane! WOW!


With Jeff Favignano!

One of the Pioneers of LSPDFR! The LEGEND himself, Jeff Favignano!  With over a Million subs, Jeff is one of the most humble YouTubers out there.  He comes on the show to talk about dreams aspirations and good ol’ fashioned gaming!  Definitely a show for the record books!


With Mad Doc!

His first solo appearance on the show, Mad Doc had the hosts rolling in this episode!  Being the Owner and Founder of Silver Lining Roleplay (SLRP) Mad Doc, or Mark, was a perfect guest to have on the show. FiveM work and Air Traffic talk was never so interesting until told by Mad Doc!

The Hosts’ Studios

This is where the MAGIC HAPPENS from each host’s personal studios.  Every other week, the hosts boot up and get ready to put on the best show they possibly can from their amazing setups.  Check them out!


Criminal Justice
